The benefits of Glute Bridges


1 - Regular up/down glutes

2 - Hold

3 - Knees in together, out to parallel, lower

Glute bridges are my absolute #1 go-to exercise for everything. Sore knees, weak hips, snagged lower back. Glute bridges for everything.

How to:

💙 Feet hip distance apart, pelvis tilted up to get the lower back as close to the floor as is comfortable to engage the lower abdominals

💚 Engage the core from underneath the ribs, pull your tummy button down towards the floor, contract your pelvic floor

💙 Lift your glutes up to form a diagonal bridge, but no higher

💚 Lower down through the spine with control

See a Video here:

YOU’LL HAVE GREAT POSTURE: If you spend the majority of your day sitting, your glute muscles can get weaker, while the hip flexors in the front of your thighs can shorten, making them feel tight. Eventually, you will end up slouching as your tight hip flexors pull you forward and your glutes aren’t strong enough to pull you upright.

But when you practice glute bridges regularly you are targeting your glutes and your lower back muscles, those muscles that are meant to hold your body upright will be getting stronger. Strengthening the glutes and erector spinae helps you keep your posture upright whether you’re standing or sitting throughout your day.

STRENGTHENS YOUR CORE: Although the exercise targets the butt area, the glute bridge does a great job of activating and strengthening your core stabilizer muscles.

The transversus abdominis and multifidus muscles enclose your entire midsection. They are designed to support the spine and when reinforced will hold the stomach in. This exercise contributes towards flattening your tummy and working the obliques, which will give you a more defined waistline.

YOU’LL TONE AND SHAPE YOUR BUTT: The bridge and the squat incorporate hip and knee extension so they use the same set of muscles, which includes the gluteus maximus and quadriceps. But the main muscle used in the bridge is the gluteus maximus muscle, the largest one in the buttocks.

HELP WITH LOWER-BACK PAIN: The bridge helps to reduce lower back pain as well. It works the hamstrings, lower back, abs, in addition to the glutes. With many of the benefits similar to that of a squat, another plus for the glute bridge is that it does not place any pressure on the lower back. This is also a great exercise for people who are unable to squat due to back, hip, or knee pain. With the bridge, a person can work on these muscles while lying down and avoid putting pressure on his joints.

The glute bridge, which is much easier to learn than the squat, can be used as a training tool for building up to the full squat exercise.

DECREASE YOUR KNEE PAIN: One of the main reasons for knee pain is the lack of control of the femur, the upper leg bone. Not having enough control of the femur can have the femur sliding forward, causing internal rotation or collapsing towards the midline of the body.

These movements are often associated with knee pain. The glutes play a big part in controlling the femur at the hip joint which affects how the other bones of the knee joint work together.

GET A STRONGER BACK: Glute bridges not only work the hip extension but they also safely and effectively work the posterior muscles. Do not overlook the muscles that line your posterior chain as it is the most influential muscle group in your body.

These muscles–which run from your calves, glutes, hamstrings and lower back–are extremely important for healthy movement, great posture, athleticism, and a back that is free from pain and discomfort.


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